Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Treat Yourself - Banana Ice Cream

After a long day at work you just want to go home and stuff your face with food. Or is that just me?
Ice cream is my guilty pleasure and I love it way too much. I learned a great alternative to soft serve ice cream that is a little bit healthier but still has a great taste! The main ingredient is... BANANAS!

Who knew bananas could make an ice cream like snack?
Keep reading to find out how to make this yummy snack!

Here is how I make banana ice cream!
3 Med Bananas
4 tbs whip cream
1 tbs Semi Sweet Chocolate chips 
1 tbs White Chocolate chips 

serves two people (or eat it all yourself, I'm not judging) 

1. You want to chop your bananas first and freeze them overnight for best results! 
(can also put them in for 2 hours if you're not patient, i've done it)

2. Put all ingredients in the blender and blend!
(My blender was not doing so great so it took a while for it to even blend. A food processor works the best.)

3. Once your ice cream is thick pour it into a bowl and eat! (add some more chocolate chips if you want)

There you have it! A yummy "treat yourself" after a long day at work. Enjoy!

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