Wednesday, August 5, 2015


   I am currently a student teacher finishing up my Masters in Education. On this blog post I will share my interests, ideas, inspirations, struggles, and thoughts. I am excited to show you my journey on becoming a teacher! Thank you so much for stopping by and hope you enjoy my page. 

Why Epic?    
   While I was thinking of a title for my page I came across the word epic. The word epic has transformed in the 21st century and has now grown to be defined as heroic, impressively great, awesome, and spectacular. These are all amazing adjectives I would describe my teachers I admire and aspire to be. Also, it just has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?      
   In addition to the word epic, I wanted more meaning to the word that would easily define all the amazing educators I have encountered. Why not make epic an acronym? (Not that we don't have enough acronyms to remember in the education world.) So epic educators stands for: empowering, passionate, inspiring, creative educators. I believe every educator can be an epic educator.

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